Category: Vitamin K2

Beverly Meyer is a clinical and holistic nutritionist, who writes a blog On Diet And Healthy and runs a popular podcast Primal Diet – Modern Health available for free on iTunes. On her podcast, Beverly talks for an hour on topics such as headaches, weight loss, TMJ Disorders, sleep and insomnia, adrenals and thyroid issues, heartburn, allergies and […]

Lara Pizzorno is a member of the American Medical Writers Association, keeping physicians and the public updated on longevity science by analyzing latest research and studies. She has over 25 years of experience in writing and is the Editor of Longevity Medicine Review as well as Senior Medical Editor for SaluGenecists, Inc. Lara is also the author of […]

Morgan Friedman is the founder of The Marketing Scientist. He records Spanish etymologies and loves overhearding. You can see his personal webpage here. 1.) What is the reason you’re taking supplements? To increase my healthspan — to be healthy for as long as possible. 2.) What are the current supplements you’re taking? Just list them! […]